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Assignment #3: Analysis of Presidential Campaign Commercial, And Topic of Choice

Analysis of Presidential Campaign Commercial
I chose a Fred Thompson advertisement that I stumbled over while browsing on YouTube. This sixty-second spot, citing his “100 percent pro-life voting record” and “common sense conservative principles,” the Thompson for President campaign was unveiled on Thursday evening across nearly every major broadcast channel and market in South Carolina. The commercial, titled “Consistent Conservative,” highlights the Senator’s consistent conservative values. This was the fourth advertisement that the Thompson campaign has aired in South Carolina. The commercial begins by saying that Fred Thompson has been a conservative all of his life, that he started the first Young Republican Club in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, and that he is proud to have a 100 percent pro-life voting record. These statements act as an establishment of authority, which appeals to the element of ethos. He establishes emotion by stating that “we must remember that our basic rights come from God and not from government.” He appeals to the element of logos by also stating, “if we stick to our basic conservative principles, we will win next November and the United States of America will be better for it.” Fred Thompson establishes a common ground from the beginning telling how he grew up in a little hometown much like Lawrenceburg. The commercial ends with an announcer saying, “Strength, Conviction, Honesty. Fred Thompson, President.” By stating all of these qualities of Thompson, the commercial may have gained a brand new crowd. The commercial did a great job at appealing to ethos, pathos, and logos, and was a strong advertisement for Thompson.

Topic of Choice: Striking In Network Television
The Oscar nominations are out and the awards ceremony is just weeks away. The big question is whether or not the writer’s strike will be settled by then and, if not, will the strike transform the show into a glorified press conference. If you didn’t already know, many major television networks are on strike with the writers of some of your favorite shows. This is only the beginning though, with Hollywood movie strikes just around the corner. In fact by the year 2010, your big box office hits may no longer exist. This is the perfect time for one of the candidates in the presidential race to get involved in the strike. You can talk all you want about war and peace, the economy, our foreign policy, taxes, and illegal immigration, but if you really want to hit Americans with something they can feel in their gut, give them back new episodes of CSI and Hannah Montana. Television is the one of the most unifying forces in American lives. Rudy, forget Florida, think Family Guy. Edwards, the two Americas you need to be thinking about are the one that watches an insane amount of TV and the one that watches an unthinkable amount of TV. McCain, don’t tell me you don’t watch Prison Break. Hillary, want the tears to have an impact? Save them for a fresh episode of Grays Anatomy. If the strike is settled under the watch of one of the candidates, it is a guaranteed win in November.

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