
Assignment #2: Three Persuasive Appeals & Analyzing an Outline Opinion Piece for the How the Writer Uses the Appeals

Part One: Reading and Response:

1) Ethos is how much information you know, and making a connection with readers to form trust and support the writer’s thoughts.
Pathos is forming an emotional connection with the audience by using examples such as experiences, and feelings.
Logos is using evidence as a way of forming and reaching decisions.

2) When writing a research paper good strategies you can use for appealing to the readers trust in authority are to research your topic thoroughly. The writer gives credibility and shows knowledge of key points to an argument.

3) Some good strategies for appealing to emotion when you are formulating a reasonable argument are using images, and memories, thus catching the reader’s attention. An example would be sharing experiences with a certain topic that relates to the audience.

4) There are potential disadvantages with using a heaving appeal to emotion. Such advertisements about starving children in third world countries may be too disturbing for an audience.

5) To build a strong argument one can use logos by using intellectual content, and references. It is very important to use logos when formulating a reasonable argument because if there is no logic the reader will be uninterested.

6) Ethos, logos, and pathos are not completely separate from each other. They all need each other, and it is important to have all three appeals to make an audience appeal to one. Advertisements can show authority by having a celebrity as a spokesperson.

Part Two: Applying the Concepts

Childhood Obesity: Introducing the Fat Card, By: Janet Barnett.
This essay is about the increasing number of students who are facing obesity and how this problem is taking over the United States. Using all three appeals to writing, this essay makes a great argument. Children these days are growing up, and eating so much junk food, and watching television or play video games all day, and never getting any exercise. A shocking fact shows that students may not be able to work when they get older if we do not change our way of living immediately. The way we treat our body and take in food in the unhealthiest way will not allow us to work. Parents and guardians are the only ones to blame for this horrible act. They are the ones responsible for giving their children fattening television food choices and unlimited video game time, and not sitting them down to a healthy dinner, and maybe a little exercise. The government showed desire to change this issue with obesity and ordered schools to provide body mass index information in health report cards. Many stats and facts are shown through the logics of this essay. On average, about 60% of all people in the United States are overweight. Obesity causes heart conditions, diabetes, and hypertension and is starting in young adults. Childhood obesity has increased over the last thirty years, and nine million children are now considered obese. When you start hearing numbers as a joke, such as the dreaded “Freshman Fifteen,” it no longer becomes a joke. This is a serious problem among our nation, and something drastic needs to happen to change this unhealthy trend.

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